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Terminator: Dark Fate


Client: Adobe, Paramount Pictures

Role: Creative Director, Producer, Editor


Final Audio Mix: Mark Anderson, Eduardo Perez,
Mike Macaluso 

The year: 2019. I submitted to Adobe & Paramount Picture's 'Terminator: Dark Fate #Createyourfate Trailer Remix' challenge. I somehow won the global editing competition. This is when I became self aware...

My promo/trailer remix became an official part of an integrated marketing promotional campaign between the 5th installment of the Terminator franchise and Adobe Creative Cloud. 


The cuts below are my updated versions, complete with sweet fire-y graphics and an updated killer sound mix.  

Battle Royale :30

Carl :30

Design Frames

'Dark Fate' is intended as a direct sequel to 'T2: Judgement Day.'
For the title cards, I wanted pull from the image of apocalyptic fire that is ever present throughout the proceeding action/sci-fi classic.


Adobe MAX Announcement & Social Media Coverage

Watch below to see the live announcement at Adobe MAX 2019. It was humbling to have my name (and face) broadcasted to millions by Adobe CMO Ann Lewnes. In addition, the announcement was blasted via Adobe's and Paramount's social accounts.

© 2024 Brian Thuok

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